Podul Yavuz Sultan Selim peste strâmtoarea Bosfor – inaugurat în prezenţa preşedintelui Recep Tayyip Erdogan

General view of the 3rd Bosphorus bridge. The first phase of theÊNorthern Marmara Motorway andÊIstanbul'sÊthird bridge to span the Bosphorus between Europe and Asia, a key projectÊcommencing in 2013 andÊcompleted in a 27-month time frame is inaugurated today. Bosphorus at the entrance to the Black Sea,ÊIstanbul, TURKEY - 26/08/2016. The bridge - named after the 16th century Ottoman Sultan Selim the Grim (Yavuz Sultan Selim in Turkish) who conquered swathes of the Middle East in an extraordinary eight year rule - isÊtechnically a hybrid between a suspension and cable-stayed bridge.ÊConceived by French structural engineer Michel Virlogeux, it is the widest suspension bridge in the world with a width of 58.5 meters. Its span of 1,408 meters is the longest in the world between the supporting pylons.ÊIt will also carry railway lines as well as vehicle traffic, making it the world's longest suspension bridge with a railway.ÊIts support pylons are just one meter lower than the Eiffel Tower at 323 meters.ÊTurkey's government has guaranteed operators that 135,000 automobiles will use the bridge each day. The fee for automobiles going from the European to the Asian side will be 9.90 Turkish liras ($3.40).ÊThe Northern Marmara MotorwayÊlocated between Odayeri ( European side) and Pasakoy (Anatolian side)Êof nearly 115 km length, which has 19 junctions and linking roads, is part of the realized project.ÊThe other two phases will involve the construction of highways and link roads amounting to a total length of 257 km. These are expected to be completed and available for public use in 2018.//SIPA_1033.0097/Credit:ICA/SIPA/1608261500

Unul dintre cele mai mari poduri suspendate din lume, care leagă continentul european de cel asiatic, cu o lungime de 1.708 m, podul Yavuz Sultan Selim a fost inaugurat vineri în prezenţa preşedintelui Recep Tayyip Erdogan, care a spus că “conectăm continentele graţie podului”. La rândul său, premierul Binali Yildririm a estimat că Istanbulul este un oraş care conectează continente şi culturi. Conceput de inginerul francez Michel Virlogeux şi inginerul eleveţian Jean Francois Klein, cel mai înalt pod din lume, care decongestionează 30% din traficul Istanbulului este al treilea pod în Bosfor şi cel mai lung pod feroviar din lume. Realizarea lui a durat 3 ani şi a costat peste 800 de milioane de euro. Pentru preşedintele Erdogan, inaugurarea podului a constituit o ocazie de a pune într-o imagine favorabilă Turcia, la o lună şi jumătate după puciul ratat.