Fratele unui terorist implicat în atentatul de la Bruxelles va concura la Jocurile Olimpice

The brother of Belgium’s public enemy number one is a medal winning athlete who has proudly represented his country – and is ashamed of his terrorist brother, MailOnline can reveal. Najim Laachraoui – the ‘man in white’ filmed walking through Brussel’s Zaventem Airport minutes with suicide bombers Ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui – is the younger brother Mourad Laachraoui, who represents Belgium in Taekwondo. Mourad, 29, won a silver medal in the 54kg category at the world championship held in South Korea last year. This is the third medal the electronics’ graduate has won for Belgium, adding to previous bronze medals. Mourad has distanced themselves from his terrorist younger brother Najim, and the family are deeply ashamed of his fanatical opinions and murderous activities.
The brother of Belgium’s public enemy number one is a medal winning athlete who has proudly represented his country – and is ashamed of his terrorist brother, MailOnline can reveal.
Najim Laachraoui – the ‘man in white’ filmed walking through Brussel’s Zaventem Airport minutes with suicide bombers Ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui – is the younger brother Mourad Laachraoui, who represents Belgium in Taekwondo.
Mourad, 29, won a silver medal in the 54kg category at the world championship held in South Korea last year. This is the third medal the electronics’ graduate has won for Belgium, adding to previous bronze medals.
Mourad has distanced themselves from his terrorist younger brother Najim, and the family are deeply ashamed of his fanatical opinions and murderous activities.

Mourad Laachraoui, fratele unui terorist implicat în atentatul sinucigaş de la Bruxelles din martie, urmează să concureze pentru Belgia la Jocurile Olimpice de Vară, organizate anul acesta în Brazilia. Mourad Laachraoui, în vârstă de 21 de ani, va concura la Jocurile Olimpice de vară, după ce a câştigat medalia de aur la Campionatele Europene de Taekwondo, fiind pe lista atleţilor din echipa olimpică a Belgiei. Najim, fratele mai mare al lui Mourad Laachraoui, a fost unul dintre cei doi terorişti sinucigaşi care au comis atentatul de la aeroportul Bruxelles, în urma căruia au murit 32 de persoane, iar alte 300 au fost rănite. Potrivit anchetatorilor, Najim Laachraoui a ajutat şi la comiterea atacurilor teroriste de la Paris, din noiembrie anul trecut, care au provocat moartea a 130 de persoane. La câteva zile după atentatele de la Bruxelles, Mourad spunea despre fratele lui că acesta era o persoană bună şi inteligentă, care nu a dat semne de radicalizare până să călătorească în Siria, în 2013, ulterior rupând legătura cu familia sa. “Nu îţi alegi cu cine te înrudeşti”, a mai adăugat tânărul.